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Estilo de juego: Metroidvania, acción.


Nachete después del incidente de hace 12 años ya no se llamaría más “El Becario”, era “El Boss” de Seguridad de la empresa “Neurolonk” a la que entró como becario. Han pasado muchas cosas en todos estos años, como por ejemplo, el perder el pelazo que tenía. Si es que tanto trabajar y tanto disgusto uno se queda de pelo pobre...

El caso es que, un extraño virus amenaza a la empresa para la que trabaja, y como Jefe de Seguridad de la misma tiene que extirparlo.

Al intentar averiguar de dónde provenía el ataque, Nachete se dio cuenta de que no era de ninguna organización del planeta tierra, pues el código fuente y el idioma en el que estaba escrito no parecía de ningún lugar del planeta, ni de ninguna lengua muerta.

Una de las noches de trabajo duro intentando averiguar todo lo posible para que el dichoso virus no destruyera los ordenadores de la empresa, mientras se tomaba un café acompañado de un delicioso bollo que todas las mañanas su mujer le metía en la mochila, se dio cuenta de que faltaban todos los chips prodigiosos, únicos en el mundo, fabricados por la empresa para sus propios super-ordenadores.

Mientras guardaba en la mochila el tupper vacío donde su mujer le metía el bollo, un haz de luz que venía desde arriba le rodeó. Y ¡zas!, ya no había más Nachete.

Apareció dentro de alguna especie de nave espacial llena de cachivaches y robots, que por la pinta que tenían, buscaban enfurecidos algo o a alguien.

Nachete aprendió algo hace 12 años, y es que, de tonto no tenía un pelo ya. Aprendió la lección, por lo que, desde aquel momento trabajaba en privado en un proyecto secreto el cual, siempre lleva en la mochila junto al tupper del bollo. Esta vez no le iba a pillar desprevenido, por fin, podría utilizarlo. El fusil láser de 5¼”!!!!

Pensado para situaciones como éstas, el fusil de 5¼” transformaba cualquier cosa en datos de alta densidad.

Ahora sí Nachete, reúne los 12 CHIPS PRODIGIOSOS que alguna malvada cosa espacial ha robado de Neurolonk y descubre quién o qué está detrás de todo esto.


Q - Saltar

O - Moverse a la derecha

P - Moverse a la izquierda

Barra Espaciadora - Disparar

Disponibles en su versión 48k y 128k. La única diferencia de las dos versiones es que la de 128k tiene música.

Juego para ZX Spectrum, creado con el motor ZXSpectrum Game Maker (Raúl Torralba)

Música por MmcM

FX por Shiru8bit

Creado y diseñado por RetroSótano (Shao)

Especial gracias a Juntelart por su paciencia y al Ansia-Team


Game Style Metroidvania, action.


Nachete, after the incident 12 years ago, would no longer call himself “The Intern”, he was “The Boss” of Security at the company “Neurolonk” which he joined as an intern. Many things have happened in all these years, such as losing the great hair I had. If so much work and so much displeasure leaves you with poor hair...

The fact is that a strange virus threatens the company he works for, and as its Head of Security he has to eliminate it.

When trying to find out where the attack came from, Nachete realized that it was not from any organization on planet Earth, since the source code and the language in which it was written did not seem to come from anywhere on the planet, nor from any dead language.

One of the nights of hard work trying to find out everything possible so that the damn virus did not destroy the company's computers, while he was having a coffee accompanied by a delicious bun that his wife put in his backpack every morning, he realized that all the prodigious chips, unique in the world, manufactured by the company for its own supercomputers were missing.

While he was putting the empty tupperware in which his wife put the bun in his backpack, a beam of light coming from above surrounded him. And bang! There was no more Nachete.

He appeared inside some kind of spaceship full of junk and robots, which by the looks of them, were furiously searching for something or someone.

Nachete learned something 12 years ago, and that is that he wasn't a fool anymore. He learned his lesson, so from that moment on he worked privately on a secret project which he always carries in his backpack along with the bun tupperware. This time he wasn't going to be caught off guard, he could finally use it. The 5¼” laser rifle!!!!

Designed for situations like these, the 5¼” rifle transformed anything into high-density data.

Now, Nachete, gather the 12 PRODIGIOUS CHIPS that some evil space thing has stolen from Neurolonk and discover who or what is behind all this.


Q - Jump

O - Move right

P - Move left

Space Bar - Shoot

Available in 48k and 128k versions. The only difference between the two versions is that the 128k version has music.

Game for ZX Spectrum, created with engine "ZXSpectrum Game Maker" (Raúl Torralba)

Music  MmcM

FX  Shiru8bit

Designed by RetroSótano (Shao)

Special thanks to Juntelart and Ansia-Team


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

basilisk2-48k 52 kB
basilisk2-128k.tap 52 kB


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Greetings RetroSótano & Team,

we hope you are doing great. I am Areeba (aka Titania) from the BrewOtaku-Team, we are launching BrewOtaku #003 - The Homebrew Gaming Magazine soon.

We loved your work, and we have mentioned "Basilisk of Roko 2" in it. Kindly share your contact details so we can share it with you. You are anyhow free to share this on your social media channels or homepage

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards


(1 edit)

Nice game! Our German-language preview can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:21:42. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂


Thank you very much for downloading it and showing it on your stream channels! It's a pleasure that there are people like you doing great retro work.

Great game with great music, thank you. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New ZX Spectrum Games from July 2024" video, in addition to all the other ZX Spectrum games released in July.

Thanks for playing it and for showing it on your channel. A great job.

Gran trabajo te felicito por las dos partes, cada uno con sus cualidades, son juegos muy divertidos.

Es un honor haber usado el motor de juntelart para crear mis primeros juegos de ZX Spectrum, sin duda, no serán los únicos! Muchas gracias por jugarlos y comentar.

Nice game, but the wall of storyline text is a little overwhelming.  

I'm sorry for having to write almost a textbook to explain the story, in spectrum I can't put it otherwise I would put it at the beginning xD Thanks for playing it and commenting!

Me gustó mucho la primera parte y esta, tras una breve partida, la supera. Felicidades y a por más desarrollos!!! Próximamente lo sacaré en directo para tratar de acabarlo enterito. Un abrazo!

Muchas gracias por probarlo y comentar! Soy un seguidor tuyo que no se pierde los gameplays tan divertidos que haces ! Un abrazo amigo!

Wow, cool! Another masterpiece. Completely different to the first game and in such a short amount of time. Would you mind translating it to English too?

Thx´s for comment. Yes, i working in a version in English too! Thanxs for playing!

It's my pleasure!

Nice game!

Thx´s for playing and comment! THX